Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our first 6 wks in OH

I'm playing catch-up.  Here are lots of pictures from the last month and a half since we arrived here in Cincinnati.
Reagan's first day of school.  I love the way Reese is looking up to her.  She loves her big sister!

Sitting on the back of the couch - engrossed in Robin Hood. 
Reagan's picture day!
Can't leave Reese out . . .

The girls had a Nature Hunt the other day with some neighbors. 
Great leaf, Reese!
Reagan & Hannah trying to get a leaf off of the tree.
Don't they look so much alike?

And, we musn't forget Blake!!
He's crawling now and is all over the place!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DeeDee came to Visit!

I am so ridiculously behind on this blog. But, I am determined to catch up. Here goes . . .
So, we made it to Cinicinnati. We are finally feeling settled and getting into a routine. Maybe I'll be able to get several months worth of pictures up here soon.
DeeDee is back in the USA!!! We were so excited to have her come up and stay with us earlier this month. We all loved having her here. I know that I missed my baby sister, but it was obvious that I wasn't the only one. The kids absolutely loved having her here too. I wish I had gotten more pictures. Reese wanted to be by her side constantly. And, Blake even gave her sweet kisses - which he doesn't just bestow upon anyone. Thanks for visiting, DeeDee! We love you!!
We have a great zoo, so we had to make a trip there while DeeDee was here.
Riding the Zoo Train!

Blake looks so serious in all these pictures. He smiles all the time, I promise!