Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

2 Month Stats

Reese had her 2 month well baby visit this week. She's doing great!

Weight - 12lb 7 oz.
Head circum. - 15.5 inches
Length - 22.5 inches

Both head and length were right about the 50th percentile. Her weight, however, was in the 90th percentile! I certainly knew she was a good eater. Check out those cheeks!

At birth, Reagan was 1.5lbs more than Reese was. But, Reese quickly caught up and surpassed her. At 2 months, Reagan with her meager 10lb 1oz, was no where near Reese.
More doctor info:
Reagan was running a temperature of 102.6 Tuesday & Wednesday and coughing up a storm. I took her to the doc Thurs. They listened to her lungs and did an x-ray to find that she's in the early stages of pneumonia. They think we've caught it early enough to keep it from getting too bad. Now, Reese is starting to cough some too. Hopefully, I can get them both well soon.

Harrell Family Christmas

Yes, I know it's the end of January. But, that was when it worked best for our schedules for all of us to get together. We all met up in Dallas since it was a good halfway point. My parents (Nana & Pops) and my grandmother (GranMary) came in from Lubbock/Littlefield. Danielle, Holly, Clee, & Payton came up from Houston. And, we drove over from Little Rock.

Reagan and Payton had a ball - as usual. They played hide-n-seek, danced, swam, rode the luggage cart with Pops, etc. Holly got some great videos of them playing on her blog. Before we know it Reese will be running around with them too.
The Harrell Clan
DeeDee, GranMary, & ReeseTrying to get the girls to all look at me - yeah, it wasn't happening.Lil' Reese - getting so big Clee & Jason in their matching sweaters
Reagan & Bella - her bunny Nana made her
Reese with all of her precious handmade gifts - Abby (her bunny Nana made her), scarf knitted by Aunt DeeDee, & ballerina hand puppet made by Aunt DeeDee
Reagan with her new Cinderella doll - "Cinderella! Cinderella! Cinderella!!"
DeeDee, Payton, & Reagan
The girls in their matching shirts from Holly
The sisters and the little ones with their bunnies from Nana

Playin' with the Boys

Reagan had so much playing with Jacob a few weeks ago. She was imparting her wisdom . . . telling him all about little sisters, dancing, books, and even violins.

Here she is instructing him on the proper positioning to play the violin.Reading Jacob a story
She also had a ball with Kekoa a bit later. She decided to let him be the instructor this time as she imitated him scooting around.And, this picture was so cute I had to include it.
Iris and little Reese.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Baby Gear

I just got a sling to use with Reese, and I'm really excited about it. I've decided I really need 2 hands to deal with Reagan while I'm nursing. And, I can carry Reese around and wash dishes, do laundry, blog 2 handed, etc. Hopefully Reese will enjoy it as well. Here we are modeling it.
Jason had to try it out as well. It's a few sizes too small for him, but he still had fun with it.

Reagan stories

I was sitting on the couch nursing Reese with the Boppy. So Reagan grabbed the neck pillow and said she was "feeding Callie with her Boppy". Although she thinks the baby eats from her belly . . . I hope that's not where my boobs are to give her that idea.Speaking of boobs . . .
Mommy: "Time to feed Reese."
Daddy: (being silly) "No, I'm going to feed Reese."
Reagan: "You can't, Daddy! You don't have any boobs!"

She has quite the imagination these days too. The other day she was pushing her stroller, and she told me she had just been to the post office where she got messages, toothpaste, & chocolate milk. And, "Crocodiles were there, but I kept my babies safed."

Reagan:  while trying to carry lots of toys to the living room, "Ayude me!  (from Diego) I need help!  I don't have enough hands."
Mommy:  "Just bring them in one at a time."
Reagan:  "Okay, I can handle it."

"I'm getting married!" With This on her head as her veil. (Is that instinctual in girls? I don't know how she knows about veils.) When asked who she was marrying . . . "Prince Charming."

Daddy: "That shirt's a little big."
Reagan: "No, Daddy, I'm a little small."
I kid you not. Both our jaws dropped when she said that. She's two!

She watched an episode of Little Einsteins that had a Good Knight and a Bad Knight, and she's become a bit obsessed with the Bad Knight. She now asks me to play "The Lord is my Shepherd" on her cd player everday before she goes to sleep. "Play Lord is my Shepherd so the Bad Knight won't come in." I don't like that she seems scared, but I like that she feels safe being reminded that the Lord is her shepherd.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Daddy & his girls!

Daddy-Daughter Date Night
Jason & Reagan went out - just the 2 of them - to Chili's for dinner. Reagan loved it! She had been telling me for a week now, "Mommy, you go to sleep. I go on a date with Daddy!"
Reese watching her Daddy intently

My girls!

Reagan was singing to Reese - too sweet!
Snuggling! What fashion sense! Tights, toboggan, & plastic heels!Reclining in the bouncy seat

Nana & Pops

My parents were here over New Years', and we had a great visit. It was my dad's first time to see Reese, so he got in lots of good cuddling. He & Reagan had a great time playing together too - bubbles, play-doh, Mr. Potatohead, you name it!
Pops & Reese

Nana & Reese

Reagan the photographer - she was really taking pictures!

Pops & Reese
In Pops' hat