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Monday, March 31, 2008

Reagan & her Posse

Reagan's friend Caroline, who is 18 days older than her, is about to be a big sister. Her mommy, Elizabeth, is on bed rest right now. So, we're doing our best to make it a party for her . . . as you can tell with the crowd in the picture below. Rebecca and little Alex, Jennifer and little Gracie in utero, and Reagan and I were all keeping her and Caroline company one day last week. Reagan and Caroline love playing together. Like toddlers, they steal toys and fight one minute, then kiss and laugh the next.

Another good friend is Baby Alex, who is 11 months younger than Reagan. And Reagan loves her too. She loves to help take care of her. She keeps everyone quiet while Alex naps, "Shhhh, baby." And, she makes sure she always has toys and company. Little Alex loves to watch Reagan too - she thinks Reagan's such a big girl!


Holly Heston said...

I love that Reagan has so many little friends. She is definitely going to be your social butterfly

Chrissa said...

Awwww!!! They are all so cute. I love seeing how much they are growing up together & interacting with each other. It's just priceless!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

how fun! i love seeing them together. :)