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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Meaning of Christmas

On New Year's Eve-
Skyping with DeeDee.
DeeDee: What did Santa bring you for Christmas?
Reagan: He brought me a kitchen, but I was kind of frustrated because I wanted a Shang doll.

Last Week-
Reagan: (cradling her blanket,"This", in her arms) Look, Mommy, I have a baby!
Me: You do? What's your baby's name?
Reagan: Jesus. And, I'm Mary and you're Joseph. I'm laying him down in the manger so he can sleep.
Me: Are people going to come see him?
Reagan: (nodding) The shepherds and the angels are coming.
Me: Is anyone bringing him gifts?
Reagan: The wisemen are.
After this exchange, I got to thinking. . . She knows all the details, but does she really understand the meaning of Christmas?

Later, we were watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch claimed Christmas was all about presents. So, I asked Reagan her thoughts.
Me: Is Christmas all about presents?
Reagan: No, it's all about God's son!
Wow! I really do think she's starting to understand a lot of it. I pray that we show her everyday, not just at Christmastime, that it is always "all about God's son".


taiwandanielle said...

you have a very bright 3 year old on your hands! I think you and Jason have done a wonderful job of always explaining to her and showing her God's love. She will continue to grow into a wonderful, brilliant, loving young lady! I love Reagan very much (even when she is being a turkey about not getting a Shang doll!)

Clay and J said...

What a beautiful story! So glad Reagan understands the true meaning of Christmas. Children often remind us!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

love it! we had a similar conversation with alex. she also said that xmas was not about presents, but "Jesus. It's his birthday." so sweet.

Townsend said...

how special is that!? smart girl!!
(just read your comment on my blog...i figured that is what was happening!...but didnt have the guts to tell people..."HEY, look at my blog!" heee)
...and love happy reese walking...she is quite the sport walking over and over again till she reached her destination!