Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Bathroom

As most of you know, we've been in the process of remodeling our master bathroom. Well, it is just about done, so I thought I'd post some pictures. We've got pre-, mid-, and post- remodel pics.

Here are the before shots. Don't you love the pale yellow tile . . . everywhere!! And, the shower was cavernous and had no ventilation at all, so it was always mildewy. In fact, I thought it was so gross, I wouldn't use it. This was "Jason's bathroom", now it's "our bathroom".

Here is the bathroom in the midst of the demolition. What a mess!?!

Here is the (just about) final product. Tiled the floor and new shower, replaced the regular window with the glassblock window, got a new vanity, new fixtures, etc. Quite an improvement, huh?

Fun Times with Daddy!

So tall on Daddy's shoulders!

With Daddy at the Zoo

Brushing their teeth together

Going through the photo album

Here's a video that most of the family will appreciate. She's going through the photo album with Daddy and saying everyone's names.

Down - Set - Hut!!

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Recent Reagan Anecdotes

A few weeks ago, Reagan pointed to my boob and said, "Baby." So, of course, I corrected her and said, "No, honey, that's a boob." Now, she likes to point at them or poke them all the time and say "Boob!" repeatedly . . . regardless of the company. Our handymen working on the bathroom have gotten the anatomy lesson, and friends from church, strangers in the grocery store, you name it. Fun times!

When Reagan sees anyone eating, she has to ask them if it's yummy. "Yummy? Yummy?" We hear this over and over again during mealtime. I guess she wants to make sure everyone is enjoying their food. Along the same lines, she likes to tell you she's enjoying her food. "Yummy! Like it!"

She has also become very aware of others' emotions. In her book, when Cinderella cries, Reagan says, "Crying! Oh, Lella," and hugs the book. She does this in other books when characters are crying too. "Crying! Oh, Lion, " and she hugs it. What a sweetie!?!

In one of her alphabet books it has two yaks yawning. The other day, she came across that page and said, "Sleepy . . . nap . . . bed." And pointed to her bed. I asked her if she thought the yaks should take a nap in her bed, and she said, "Yes, nap, bed Reagan's." Not quite a complete sentence, but she's getting there.

In another of her favorite books right now, it states "A my name is Alice and my husband's name is Alex. We come from Alaska and we sell ants. Alice is an ape. Alex is an anteater." So, we were at the zoo the other day, and they had some anteaters. Jason was pointing at them and asking Reagan if she saw the anteaters. She said "Alex! Alex!" Jason was looking all over for her friend Alex and couldn't figure out why she kept saying that. I started laughing and told him that was the anteater's name in her book. I couldn't believe that she could remember that and associate it with a real anteater. She's so smart! It makes me a little nervous.

Just a few fun stories I thought I'd share. She definitely keeps us entertained.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baby Ramsey

I meant to post this last week. But with Jason on vacation and working me like a slave driver, I never got around to it. We had our first ultrasound with #2 last Monday. Here are the first baby pictures of Reagan's little brother or sister. Just looks like a little blob right now, but give it time. He/she should be arriving soon after Thanksgiving.
Baby Ramsey

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sip 'N See for little Daniel

Our friends Patrick & Elizabeth (& big sister Caroline) had a little boy on April 4th. Since, they didn't know what they were having, we had a baby shower for them after he got here. We had a Sip 'N See shower on Saturday morning. There was a good turnout, and Daniel got all kinds of goodies.

Here are the hostesses (me, Rebecca L, & Stacie) with the mama (Elizabeth) and little Daniel Here's the table of goodies
Here's the cake - turned out a little more patriotic than I was anticipating, but I still thought it was cute

Mother's Day

I got my first homemade Mother's Day card from Reagan this week. They made cards at Mother's Day Out. Now, I know it's really just her handprint and her teacher's writing, but I thought it was really special. I got a little teary-eyed when I found it in her bag. That could just be from the pregnancy hormones of course, but I thought it was really sweet.

Reagan also sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers . . . at least that's what the card said. Jason claimed he knew nothing about them, and when asked if Reagan sent them, she said, "Yeah." I found out later, my mom sent them and gave full credit to Reagan. What a sweet family!?!

Our Sunday School class had a potluck after church today, and we attempted to get a picture of Jason, Reagan, and me (we have hardly any). Reagan was more interested in playing, so this was the best we could do at the time.
Behold our Mother's Day picture.

The only thing I wanted for Mother's Day was to go the zoo with my family. So, Thursday afternoon, we got the chance to go. Little Rock has a pretty good zoo, and Reagan had a ball. Of course, she didn't want to ride in the stoller, she wanted to walk the whole time. But, she did great! We got to see an elephant, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, bears, monkeys, tigers, anteaters, fish, etc.
Daddy & Reagan in front of the anteaters.
Mommy & Reagan with the rhinos.
And, we can never leave home without
"This" (her blanket).
I don't know what she's doing here in front of the giraffes, just being silly, I'm sure.
She was exhausted by the end of it. We were in the car maybe 2 minutes, and she was already asleep. What fun!?!?
But, I know she had a good time . . . all weekend she's been telling everyone about all the "ammals" she saw at the zoo.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Reagan loves balloons! So, we've had some blown up around the house for a few weeks now. She likes to kick them around, pretend she's blowing them up, and talk about all the colors. She also likes it when you pop them. Here are 2 videos of her watching me pop some balloons. We are also currently working on her colors. You can tell what her favorite is.