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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I got my first homemade Mother's Day card from Reagan this week. They made cards at Mother's Day Out. Now, I know it's really just her handprint and her teacher's writing, but I thought it was really special. I got a little teary-eyed when I found it in her bag. That could just be from the pregnancy hormones of course, but I thought it was really sweet.

Reagan also sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers . . . at least that's what the card said. Jason claimed he knew nothing about them, and when asked if Reagan sent them, she said, "Yeah." I found out later, my mom sent them and gave full credit to Reagan. What a sweet family!?!

Our Sunday School class had a potluck after church today, and we attempted to get a picture of Jason, Reagan, and me (we have hardly any). Reagan was more interested in playing, so this was the best we could do at the time.
Behold our Mother's Day picture.

The only thing I wanted for Mother's Day was to go the zoo with my family. So, Thursday afternoon, we got the chance to go. Little Rock has a pretty good zoo, and Reagan had a ball. Of course, she didn't want to ride in the stoller, she wanted to walk the whole time. But, she did great! We got to see an elephant, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, bears, monkeys, tigers, anteaters, fish, etc.
Daddy & Reagan in front of the anteaters.
Mommy & Reagan with the rhinos.
And, we can never leave home without
"This" (her blanket).
I don't know what she's doing here in front of the giraffes, just being silly, I'm sure.
She was exhausted by the end of it. We were in the car maybe 2 minutes, and she was already asleep. What fun!?!?
But, I know she had a good time . . . all weekend she's been telling everyone about all the "ammals" she saw at the zoo.


Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

how fun! great post. love the card, too. i probably would have gotten teary eyed as well. isn't fun being a mommy? i can't believe i am!

taiwandanielle said...

She is adorable! That pic with the hat and the giraffes is really funny! I am glad that you guys had fun! I miss you all! PS weren't the flowers from REGAN? hah!

Holly Heston said...

How fun....I can't wait to be able to take Payton to the zoo.

Holly Heston said...

Hey....I just realized I have that shirt....not the elmo one...the striped one you are wearing. $5, Old Navy. We're the same.

Love you