Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Reagan is becoming quite the social butterfly! With birthday parties and playdates, she's really getting to spend some time with other kiddos. Which we really need right now. She's getting into the terrible two phase where everything is "Mine!" and she throws some fits when she doesn't get her way. I just have to remind myself that all toddlers go through this. We're really working on sharing and taking turns, so it's been good for her to practice with other little ones her age.

She had a playdate with Caroline last week. Just a few little squabbles - mainly Reagan's doing, but I think they had fun. She and Caroline have been pals since they were born. We introduced Caroline to "Hairspray". The two of them danced all over the place!

Then, they helped Elizabeth with the laundry. They had an assembly line going transferring stuff from the washer to the dryer. What fun!!

Today, she had a playdate with Happy. Happy's mom, Grace, and I are gym buddies. Grace made rice, miso soup, and steamed fish for us for lunch. Reagan loved it! We had a great time.

The girls playing "jump rope". They each hold on to one end of the rope and jump up and down. Whatever works!
Happy and Reagan making music


Holly Heston said...

Reagan is such a little social butterfly. If I were her age, I would definitely want to be her friend

The Hallums said...

Hey Reagan,
I'm planning on doing some more laundry this weekend. How's your schedule look?
Caroline's mom

Townsend said...

i had to lol at the dancing video...ever see the movie, flashdance??....caroline was dancing like she's never danced before...(she's a maniac...maniac on the flo-or!) hahahaa

Clay and J said...

those girls are growing up! hard to imagine that it hasn't been that long since they learned to walk--now dancing! :)